Advice from Alma Vets
What to do if you find a stray?
We have attached a covering letter from North Yorkshire Council saying that they understand that the public do bring stray dogs to veterinary practices, but they will NOT accept strays from vets and have requested that we refuse to take them in!
Please see where to take any strays found in the attached poster.
Our advice offered below
• Keep your dogs under close control.
• Make sure your dogs are microchipped and that the details are kept up to date.
• Keep a collar with clear identification tag on your dog at all times.
• Regularly check the security of fences and gates where your animals are kept. Consider investing in parcel lockers and automatic closures to prevent escapes.
• If you find a dog and it is not safe for you or your own pets to keep or transport it, then DO NOT CATCH IT. Just report it.
• If the dog is causing a danger – such as traffic hazard or unknown temperament, then call the police.
• If the animal has minor ailments such as skin conditions or walking lameness – Report to dog warden.
• If the dog has serious injury, then call your vet.
Immediate danger to public or traffic then call police, 999.
Seriously sick or injured animal, call vet, but you are responsible for it if an owner is not found.
Healthy dog or animal with minor ailment, call dog warden service 0300 131 2131 or Cliff Top Kennels, if you can transport the dog 01723 870456.